


Gabriela Lena Frank (b. 1972)
Milagros for String Quartet (2010)

I. Milagrito: Capilla del Camino (“Shrine by the Road”)
II. Milagrito: Zampoñas Rotas (“Broken Panpipes”)
III. Milagrito: Mujeres Cantando (“Women Singing”)
IV. Milagrito: Danza de Tingo María (“Dance of Tingo María”)
V. Milagrito: Sombras de Amantaní (“Shadows of Amantaní”)
VI. Milagrito: Adios a Churín (“Goodbye to Churín”)
VII. Milagrito: Danza de los Muñecos (“Dance of the Dolls”)
VIII. Milagrito: Capilla del Camino

Alex Fortes and Liesl Schoenberger Doty, violins
Sarah Darling, viola
Kee Kim, cello*

Paulinho Nogueira (1929-2003)
Bachianinha No. 1 (before 1965), arr. Fortes

Jae Cosmos Lee and Alex Fortes, violins
Jason Fisher, viola

Jacqueline Nova (1935-1975)
Creación de la Tierra (1972)

Electroacoustic Composition
Jacqueline Nova, magnetic tape (1972)

Paulinho Nogueira (1929-2003)
Bachianinha No. 2 (before 1965), arr. Fortes

Jae Cosmos Lee and Alex Fortes, violins
Jason Fisher, viola

Clarice Assad (b. 1978)
Obrigado for Mandolin and String Quartet (2011)


I. Respeito ao Gongá (Praise for the Sacred Altar)
II. Saudação Ao Pai de Santo (Saluting the Father of Saint)

The Orixás

III. EXÚ, a Sábio Brincalhão (The Prankish Sage)
IV. OGUM, Guerreiro do metal (The Warrior)
V. OXOSSI, Senhor das Florestas (Lord of the Forests)
VI. XANGÔ, Deus das Tempestades e trovōes (God of Thunderstorms)
VII. MAMĀE OXUM (Mother Oxum)
IX. IEMANJÁ, a Rainha das Águas (The Queen of the Seas)
X. ERÊ, a criança (The Child)

Omar Chen Guey and Zenas Hsu, violins
Caitlin Lynch, viola
Rafael Popper-Keizer, cello
Joseph Brent, mandolin*

*Guest Crier

A Far Cry’s season is generously supported by grants from the Barr-Klarman Massachusetts Arts Initiative, Massachusetts Cultural Council, the National Endowment for the Arts, and The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Thank you to our partners!

This event is in collaboration with the Longy School of Music of Bard College, The Boston Athenæum, and the Harvard Ed Portal. Sending a big thank you to Longy for allowing us to rehearse and record this concert in their beautiful Pickman Hall, to the Boston Athenæm for providing rehearsal space, and to the Harvard Ed Portal for their promotional sponsorship of Amazonita.