


Lei Liang (b. 1972)
Gobi Gloria for String Quartet (2006)

Zenas Hsu and Jesse Irons, violins
Jason Fisher, viola
Michael Unterman, cello

John Luther Adams (b. 1953)
The Wind in High Places (2011)

I. Above Sunset Pass
II. Maclaren Summit
III. Looking Toward Hope

Liesl Schoenberger Doty and Annie Rabbat, violins
Sarah Darling viola
Loewi Lin, cello*

Thomas Sleeper (b. 1956)
String Quartet No. 2, “Bergonzi” (2001)

I. Nubia
II. Sacre
III. Intermezzo
IV. Scherzo

Alex Fortes and Jae Cosmos Lee, violins
Caitlin Lynch, viola and Tibetan singing bowl
Rafael Popper-Keizer, cello

*Crier Emeritus

A Far Cry’s season is generously supported by grants from the Barr-Klarman Massachusetts Arts Initiative, Massachusetts Cultural Council, the National Endowment for the Arts, and The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Thank you to our partners!

This event is in collaboration with the Longy School of Music of Bard College and The Boston Athenæum. Sending a big thank you to Longy for allowing us to rehearse and record this concert in their beautiful Pickman Hall, and to the Boston Athenæm for providing rehearsal space for Horizons.