


July 1, 2020 - December 31, 2021


The Andrew W. Mellon
Foundation (2018-21)
The Barr-Klarman
Foundation (2018-21)

$25,000 - $99,999

Tim Diggins and
Deborah Coleman
Eloise and Art Hodges
Amos and Barbara Hostetter McKenzie Family
Charitable Trust
Stephen Moody and
Helen Kraus
National Endowment for the
Arts (NEA)
Allan Rodgeres
The Boston Foundation

$10,000 - $24,999

Josh and Amelia Katzen
The New World Foundation
Steve Saudek and
Janice Durham
David and Marie Louise

$5,000 - $9,999

Luisa Buchanan
Sandra Burgoon
City of Boston - Mayor's
Office of Arts and Culture Lawrence and
Nancy Coolidge
David Gessner
Omar and Lin Guey
Lisa Hicks and Elliot Swan Paul and Peggy Irons
Marie-Hélène Jouvin
Harris Miller and
Deborah Kahn
Dan Lev and Nicole Werther Don and Pamela Michaelis Christopher Reuning

$2,500 - $4,999

Rick and Joanne Boswell
Lisa Wong and Lynn Chang Beverly Char
Nolly Corley and
David Davenport
Jean Fuller Farrington
Pat Jackson
Mary and Ben Jaffee
Liisa Kissel
Massachusetts Cultural
Tom Novak
David and Shirley Parish Gjertrud Schnackenberg
Lisa Teot
SallyAnn Wekstein

$1,000 - $2,499

Nuria Assa-Munt
John and Molly Beard
May Bigelow
Betsy Bouton
Doris Burford and
Donna Casali
Katie and Paul Buttenwieser Ann Buxbaum
Irene Cramer
Gene and Lloyd Dahmen
Eric and Margaret Darling Terry Decima
Brian and Cairns Dempsey Brian and Kate Fisher
David Friend and
Margaret Shepherd
Susan Garland
Phyllis Gordon
Grace and Bill Gregor
Philip and Gail Jenks
Kevin Kelly and
Patricia Belden
Grace Kennerly
Barry Kernfeld and
Sally McMurry
Mary Lincoln
Lawrence Loughlin
Cindy and Con Lynch Margaret and
Christopher Moore
Harold and Frances Pratt Mark Ptashne and
Lucy Gordon
Bernard and Suzanne Pucker Cassidy Roh
Ellen Rohde
Ellen Sarkisian
Michael Scanlon
Ching-Mi and Fang-Kuo Sun David Taylor and
Susan Sargent
Abbie Trafford
Ben Zander

$500 - $999

Emily Baillieul and
Jonah Sacks
Sam Battaglino
Margaret Burchenal
Jim Canales and Jim McCann John Canning
Judith Chasin
Edmund Cibas and
Todd Stewart
Elizabeth Cooney
Jo Crawford and Tom Dahl Martha and Richard Crawford Brit d'Arbeloff
Sandra DeJong
Daniel and Jeanne Doty
Mary Beth and Jack Elder Michael and Marie-Pierre
John Emery and
Illana Hardesty
Arthur Ensroth
Amy and Scott Fessler
Roger and Nancy Fox
Joan and John Freeman Carole Friedman
William and Linda Green
Jim Haber
Carolyn Harder
Jasjit and Don Heckathorn Hisako Hiratsuka
C. Anthony Broh and
Jennifer Hochschild
Koko and David Howell Martha Ann Jaffe
Susan and Robert Kalish Christopher Kelly and
Judy Neiswander
David Kesler
Nancy Klepper-Kilgore
Eddie Kohler
Korean Cultural Society of
Kathie Larsen
Rosa Lee
Jonathan McConathy
Judith McMichael
Brad Meyer
Lindsay Miller
Daniel Murdock
Henry Paulus
Andrew Harper
Annie Rabbat and
Tom Rosenthal
Kate Raisz
Julie Ramsey and
David Cutright
Jim and Sandy Righter
Julie Rohwein and
Jonathan Aibel
Maria Sauzier and
Peter Musliner
Ellen and Jay Sklar
The Omidyar Group
Phyllis Vineyard
Henry Warren and
Cornelia Brown
Ronald Weintraub and
Margo Howard

$250 - $499

John Achatz and
Joann Carroll
Selim and Huguette Ayoub Elizabeth Baker
Blanca Bastanzuri and
Ralph Loring
John Berg
Kathleen Bjorseth
Alec and Dinah Bodkin
David Bor
Harvey and Shirley Boulay Alexandra Bowers and
James Liu
Heath and Mary Boyer
Renee Brant
Laura Brewer
Richard Burian
Pauline Bynum
Javier Caballero
Elizabeth Cady
John Carey
Timothy Carter
Cleda Clarke
Judith Clementson
Robert and Catherine Cornell Catherine Cosbey
Priscilla Ellis and
Robert Crabtree
Ellen Davis
Sheila and Charles Donahue Karl and Liesl Doty
Edith Epstein and
Michael Tsuk
Nicole Faulkner
Alberto Fierro
David Foss
Charles Gangebin
Andrea Golden and
John McManus
Nancy Graham
Lindsay Greimann
Laura Hatfield and
Thomas Kelley
Anne Hawley
Emily and Veronica Hewitt Gwen Hirsch
Andrew Hrycyna
Kai Hsu
Paul Katz
Liza Ketchum and
John Straus
Christina Knapp
Margo and Andy Lane
William Leitch
Donald Leka and Jane Gilman Kristine Lighthart
Peter Martin
Bonlyn McBride
Mary Beth McInerney
Gaylen Morgan
Kristin Mortimer
David Ofsevit and
Nancy Mazonson
Kathy Parsonnet
Nancy Peabody
Grace Peters
Joseph and Buffy Quinn
Suzy and Basile Rabbat
Gayle Rich
Nancy Roberts
Larry Rosenberg
Karen and Michael Rotenberg Sally Rubin and
Arthur Appelbaum
Ken Sampson
Susan Saudek
Robert and Sylvia Scholnick Christopher Souris and
Shailah Stewart
David and Sharon Steadman Joel and Catherine Stein Stephanie Stewart
Miriam Stohs
Christopher Walter
Barnet and Sandra Weinstein Anne Whittredge
James Wisdom
Bernice Wong

$100 - $249

Alliance Bernstein
Annemarie Altman
Stephen Atlas and
Lestra Litchfield
Lawrence Banks
Samuel Batchelder, Jr.
Ria Battaglino
Ann Bauer
Rhea Becker
Michael Benfield and
Tara Hengeveld
Phyllis Benjamin and
Michael Shia
Michael and Susan Bennett Nina Berger
Joan Berlin
Peter and Valerie Bluhm Richard Bock
Robyn Bollinger
Philippa Bovet
Brad Brockmann
Carol Brown
Lucinda Brown
Janna Bruene and
Amy Hoffman
Heather Buchman
Deborah Bower Burke Margaret Cain
Cathy Callahan
Regina Campbell
Jane Carr
Robert D Carter
Caroline Caswell
Tom and Joanne Caulfield Catherine Chan
Clara Chan
Nancy Chane
Shou-Yeh Chao
Paula Chasan
Ava Cheloff
Mark Churchill
Rebecca Clements
Hannah Collins
Cherrie Corey
Andra Crawford
John and Jennifer Czajkowski Janice Darling
Jedidjah De Vries
Margaret Drain
Jeffrey Duryea
Louise Elving
Kathleen Engel and
Jim Rebitzer
Anne Fabiny
Susan Farber
Ali Fessler
Karen Fox Fischer
FM Global Foundation Bernard Fuller
Hailey Fuqua
Barnard Gage
Leane Garland
Ann Humphrey and
Aaron Glazer
Mark Hahn and
Rachel Graber
Charlotte Hall
Shevawn Hardesty
Barbara Hauser
Matthew Heck
Virginia and John Hecker Linda Heffner
Tamaki Hiratsuka
Gail Holway
Helen Horigan
Linda and Rod Hossfeld Jesse and Emily Irons
Richard Johnson
Marietta Joseph
James Kaddaras
David Keller
Zoe Kemmerling
Lucia Kennerly
Judith Kidd
Yuen Kwan
Charline Lake
Christian Lane
Karla Leegard
Bradshaw Lentz
Robert Levin
Carla Lillvik and
Gary Simoneau
Thomas Mancuso
Jennifer Markell and
Jay Rosenberg
Martha Matlaw

Margo and Chappy Matt Cheryl Weber-Mattes and
Alan Mattes
Margaret Matthews
Diane and John Mauthe David and Nancy May
Ellen Mayo
Grier and Irene Merwin Gregory Miao
Barbara and George Miller Pamela Mindell
Donald Mitchell
Paul Moghtader
Marion and Tom Morris
Peggy Morrison
Anna Muriel
Barbara and John Myers Teresa Negrucci
Erik Nielsen
Ken Nielsen
Avery Normandin
Carolyn and Robert Osteen Arthur Page
Eugene Papa
Richard Parker
Inga Parsons
Donald Pearson
Janet Penn
Joseph Perkell and
Ruth Ginsberg-Place
David Perlman and
Jacqueline Wolf
Richard Perse and
Margie Garner-Perse
Andrew Pockrose
Tess Popper
Hadley Reynolds
Susan Richardson
Michael Rogan and
Hugh Wilburn
Valerie Rooney
Hugh Russell and Ken Allen Jonathan Russell and
Laura Bacon
Lin Sasman
Susan Saudek
Emmett Schaefer
Molly Schen
Brenda Schoenberger Carolyn Schwartz and
David Waldman
Mark Seifried
Grace and Marcel Seiler Eugenia Slezak
Gail Smith
Jim Smith and Joan Miller Jean Smith
Paul Smith
Elizabeth Spencer
Meredith St. John
John and Lois Staugaitis Michael and Ursula Stone Alice and Lally Stowell Carolyn Suffern
Jin Suk
Lisa Sutton
Melony Swasey
William Swerbenski and
June Hom
Tricia Swift
Don Thurston
Richard Tizard
Cynthia Turover
Peter Van Demark
Daniel VanHassel
Kate Bennett Wadsworth Susan Warne
Lee Warren
Leslie Warshaw
Anne Watson Born
Bill Watson and
Suzanne Welch
Judith Wechsler
Katherine Wells Wheeler Cynthia Wilkerson
Kathy Wittman
Sue Wolff
Bella Wong
James and Julie Zigo
Laura Zimmerman

$25 - $99

Catherine Amory
Steve Backman and
Linda Roistacher
Anna Bailey
Spencer Bambrick
Eva Barstow
Nancy Beams
Carole B. Belgrade
Srishti Bhutani
William Bloomfield and
Margery Stegman
Wes Bockley
Edward Boesel
Françoise Bourdon
Paul Brouillette
Carolyn Bruse
Linda Burnett
Sarah Carr and
Robert Moravec
Sue Carrai
Michael Cho
Mark Conway
Richard and Deborah Cornell Jae Cosmos Lee
Cynthia Curme
Patsy Cushing
Kathryn Dare-Winters
Brent Davison
Janet Deegan
Mary DeGarmo
Suzanne Ehly
Margaret Eifert and
Paul Wendelgass
Mitch Eppley
Joshua Fine
Janet Fink
Ken Fishman
Ron Gamache
Alicia Garza
Alison Gottlieb
Nadja Gould
Janet Graham
Hal Kennerly Jr.
Michael Hallstrom
John Hayden
Machiko and Mark Hewitt Monroe Heyman
Dorothy Fleet Hill
David Hobbie
Kevin and Peggy Hodges Amanda and Tyler Holley
Tom Jacobson
Linda Jeffries
Arnold Kalmbach
Joyce and John Kemp
Nancy Knight
Nicole Korodi
Andrew Kratzat
Nancy Kummer
Penny Lane
Damian Lee
Joan Leighton
Deborah Lemont
Jesse Lewis and
Megumi Stohs Lewis
Sylvia Lipman
Allison Looney
Judy Mason
Jodie and Paul McMenamin David Miller
Pam Miller
Rebecca Nemser
Katie Nojima
Abigail Norman
Michael Normile
Jaylyn Olivo and Dale Flecker David Pap
Jennifer Parker
Nicholas Poche
Rafael Popper-Keizer
Edie Read
Eric Reustle and
Kristen Watson
Virginia Rogers
Patty and Michael Rosenblatt Kareem Roustom
Lee Rumsey
Lois Russell
Raymond Schmidt
Carolyn Schrader
Francesca Schwab
Michael Scott
Jacob Shenker
Matthew Smith
Dominique Stassart
April Sun
Gwendoline Thornblade Paula Tyack
Jennifer Uhrhane
Jessica Valiente
Alissa Valles
Jordan Walker
Lydia Walshin
Richard West
William and Danae Wharton David Wiliams
David and Nancy Williamson Jane Winchester
Margaret Wiseman
Rain Worthington
Frances Wright
Ilana Zablow


Our thanks to those who have supported us in extraordinary ways.

Ken Brooks and Jim Ellis of JP Concerts
Tom Caulfield
Reverend Dr. Ted Cole, Jr. of St. John’s Episcopal Church, Jamaica Plain
Suzanne King and Pierce Atwood LLP
Cassidy Roh
Ropes & Gray LLP
Jessica Sashihara
Peter Sykes
Max Treitler

A very special thank you to Grant Riew, Christine Xu, and all of our volunteers from the Harvard Medical School Chamber Music Society for helping us at will call and checking vaccination cards throughout the season.

Finally, an additional special thank you to our network of Crier volunteers, and to those generous hosts who house our guest musicians. If you would like to learn more about housing a musician- or other volunteer opportunities - speak to any staff member or Crier, or contact us at: info@afarcry.org.